Carlos Sevillano (SEVILLCA@tokiom.com)
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 10:28:51 -0500

Thanks for all the responses:


The responses geared towards using name resolution in the form of
"host.domain.com" not "host@domain.com"

In order to resolve the in the form "nsslookup host" I must have the
domain set in my resolv.conf. See below.

Some one pointed out that I was using nycgar01 and nycgar02 in my
named.root file. The host name was change a while back...changes
were made to the named.root to reflect the new name (nycgar02).

An entry was added to /etc/nsswitch for DNS and HOSTS resolution, in
that order. I think the format is "hosts: dsn files"

The boot.cacheonly file generated by h2n appears not to have any effect
on name resolution.


Tom Erickson:
Setup resolv.conf to contain the intranet domain, and the intranet
name server - i.e.,

domain tokiom.com
nameserver nn.nn.nn.nn ; namesever

Then make sure that /etc/nsswitch hosts file has the appropriate
pointers (i.e, files if you want to look in the local /etc/hosts file,
nis or nisplus and/or dns if you are using those mechanisms).

David Thorburn-Gundlach:
To specify a search domain, put "search tokiom.com sub1.tokiom.com ..."
in your /etc/resolv.conf file. nslookup will then append each of
those domain names to a search query (so it pays to list your most
common domains first, too).

Chris Liljenstolpe:
Ahh, one thing, a host called sevillca-pc would be known as
sevillca-pc.tokiom.com not sevillca-pc@tokiom.com. Also, check your
resolv.conf and make sure your domain is set...

Gwynne, Alun P:
Just in passing...did you increment the serial number in your SOA before
doing the HUP ?

Patrick Shannon:
Just a guess, but I don't think that the problem is with DNS. I'd like
to see what you have in your /etc/resolv.conf file.

Matthew Stier:
Don't confuse DNS addresses and e-mail addresses.
Did you try "nslookup sevillca-pc.tokiom.com"?

Joel Lee:
How does your /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/resolv.conf looked like ?

Original Question:

System: ULTRA170
Solaris 2.51
Intranet...No internet connectivity.

Update....It seems that I can resolve the names using dots ei:
nslookup sevillca-pc.tokiom.com.

Name: sevillca-pc.tokiom.com

How can I set name resolution so that you can lookup names
using "nslookup workstation"?

I am setting up a DNS server on an Intranet. I am using h2n.pl to generate
the .db files from the hosts file. After generating the .db files I moved
the named.boot to /etc. When finished I reset named by using:

kill -HUP `cat /etc/named.pid`

I get no errors on /var/adm/messages:

# cat /var/adm/messages
Mar 5 16:47:00 nycgar02 named[167]: reloading nameserver
Mar 5 16:47:00 nycgar02 named[167]: Ready to answer queries.

The problem is doing name resolution. When I use "nslookup sevillca-pc"
or I use "nslookup sevillca-pc@tokiom.com" I get:

*** localhost can't find ppp1: Non-existent host/domain

If I use "nslookup" I get the right response: sevillca-pc

Any Ideas what the problem with name resolution is?

I know that the file named.root must be acquire from the net. I
made my own according to SUN supports documentation (see below) for
intranets. I created the files in /export/home/sevillca and moved them to
Contents of /usr/local/named:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 117 Mar 9 10:55 boot.cacheonly
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 331 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 590 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 657 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 188 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.30
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 521 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 522 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 1485 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.6
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 198 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.7
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 126 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 2130 Mar 9 10:55 db.10.1.88
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 178 Mar 9 10:55 db.127.0.0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 262 Mar 9 10:55 db.130.130.170
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 263 Mar 9 10:55 db.130.130.210
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 1712 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.11
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 261 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.110
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 774 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.111
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 196 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.112
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 196 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.113
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 262 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.120
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 198 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.121
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 198 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.160
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 198 Mar 9 10:55 db.200.7.170
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 13465 Mar 9 10:55 db.tokiom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 998 Mar 9 10:55 named.boot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 467 Nov 3 15:42 named.root

h2n generates a boot.cacheonly file. Where should
boot.cacheonly be in the file system and what is it for? Is this
file a sample named.root file created by h2n? O'Reilly's DNS and
BIND 2nd ed...does not mention boot.cacheonly files. Contents of

directory /usr/local/named

primary 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.127.0.0
cache . db.cache
Here are the contents of my /etc/named.boot file:

directory /usr/local/named

primary 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.127.0.0
primary tokiom.com db.tokiom
primary 1.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.1
primary 2.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.2
primary 3.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.3
primary 4.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.4
primary 5.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.5
primary 6.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.6
primary 7.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.7
primary 8.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.8
primary 30.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.30
primary 88.1.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.10.1.88
primary 170.130.130.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.130.130.170
primary 210.130.130.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.130.130.210
primary 11.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.11
primary 110.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.110
primary 111.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.111
primary 112.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.112
primary 113.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.113
primary 120.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.120
primary 121.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.121
primary 160.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.160
primary 170.7.200.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.200.7.170
primary . named.root
My /usr/local/named.root file:

@ IN SOA nycgar01.tokiom.com. sevillca.nycgar02.tokiom.com. (
1 ; Serial
10800 ; Refresh after 3 hours
3600 ; Retry after 1 hour
604800 ; Expire after 1 week
86400 ) ; Minimun TTL of 1 day
IN NS root.tokiom.com.
root.tokiom.com. IN A
tokiom.com. IN NS nycgar01.tokiom.com. IN NS nycgar01.tokiom.com.

nycgar01.tokiom.com. IN A
root.tokiom.com. IN A

I have some additional questions about SUN's support document:

How to Set Up a "Self Contained" or Internal Root Nameserver

If you are not connected to the internet, but still want to set up
DNS, you must implement a Self Contained Domain. This is done by
defining one of your internal machines as a root name server.

On all nameservers other than your root name server, you will need to
set up a special cache file. As usual, all of your non-root name
servers will have the following line in their named.boot:

cache . named.ca

Where is the special named.ca file located in the filesystem?
In /var/named/named.ca? I dont' see any references to named.ca on

However, rather than retrieving a root file as is described in Section
3.5, you will contruct it yourself. Simply create a file that includes
an NS record pointing towards your root name server, and an A record,

Shoud this file be called named.root? Not named.ca?

--start /var/named/named.ca--
. 99999999 IN NS root.test.com.
root.test.com. IN A
--end /var/named/named.ca--

You must also edit the files on your newly defined root server. There
should NOT be a 'cache' line in the named.boot on the root name
server. Rather, you need to insert a primary line for the root domain:

--snippet of /etc/named.boot--
primary . named.root
--snippet of /etc/named.boot--

The named.root file must contain nameserver records for each of your
internal domains, and A records for each of them.

If section 3.7 contained my entire internal DNS domain, I would need
to create the following named.root file, which assumes just 1 root

--named.root file ---
; Internal Root db
@ IN SOA root.test.com. administrator.root.test.com.
1 ;serial number
10800 ;refresh after 3 hours
3600 ;retry after 1 hour
604800 ;expire after 1 week
86400 ) ;minimum TTL of 1 day
IN NS root.test.com.
root.test.com. IN A
; NS records for test.com.
; We have two nameservers, test.com. and num2.test.com.
test.com. IN NS dns.test.com.
IN NS num2.test.com.
; NS records for our reverse domain
; We have two nameservers, test.com. and num2.test.com.
1.1.192.in-addr.arpa. IN NS dns.test.com.
IN NS num2.test.com.
; A records for all of the nameservers listed above
dns.test.com. IN A
num2.test.com. IN A
root.test.com. IN A

Any help is appreciated.

Carlos Sevillano
SysAdm, TMM
212 297-6871