SUMMARY: Seagate new disks

Moshe Meirzadeh (
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 17:48:25 +0200 (IST)

The Original Q:

Any opinion on the new Seagate disks (18,23,49GB), with
Solaris 2.5.1 , 2.6 ?

Thanks the following:
Kelly Fergason <>
The 18's are available next month, the 23's have already been
discontinued, and the 46's are anyones guess.

From: Jerry Weber <>
I have been using the segate 23GB for over a year now with zero problems.

From: Orn Asgeirsson <>
Using 23 GB F/W Seagate on 2.5.1 box for months without problems.


Meirzadeh Moshe | Phone: (972)-8-9133387
Email: | Fax : (972)-8-9133264
Telrad Telecom LTD - Lod, Israel 71100 | Res : (972)-8-9492248