sgi-managers list
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 09:01:50 -0700 (MST)

At the risk being flamed, I'd like to annouce an equivalent list for SGI
questions. The list is new and hence not nearly as large as the sun-mamagers
list (yet). So please pass this information around and those of us that
have SGIs as well as Suns can benefit from this extremely useful methodology.

Subscription is via the Web:

and select the list.

Thanks for your patience,

L. Eric Greenwade Consulting Scientist
Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Visualization Group Leader
Idaho National Engineering Lab. INTERNET: leg@INEL.GOV
POB 1625, M.S. 3605 Phone: +1-208-526-1276
Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3605 FAX: +1-208-526-4017