Thanks to:
"Sanjiv K. Bhatia" <>
Cathy Smith <>
"Craig L. Gruneberg" <>
Harvey Wamboldt <>
Jim Robertori <>
David Thorburn-Gundlach <>
Karl Vogel <>
Question 1: Setting keyboard repeat:
Answer 1: I set the keyboard rate by using Xsun, the command you noted.
It takes, amongst other things, two args specifying the delay-until-repeat
time (ar1) and the delay-between-repeats time (ar2). Thus, a command like
:0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun \
:0 -nobanner -ar1 250 -ar2 25
(with a line break inserted manually) says to start up Xsun with no
banner and a delay-until-repeat of 250ms and a delay-between-repeats
of 25ms. For more info, check out the man page for Xsun.
Answer 2:
I replaced /usr/openwin/bin/X with a small script, included below.
# Short script to start the main X-server with new options for
# controlling keyboard repeat rate.
# -ar1 milliseconds
# Specify amount of time in milliseconds before a
# pressed key begins to autorepeating. The default is
# 500 milliseconds. Not available on Solaris x86 or PowerPC.
# -ar2 milliseconds
# specify the interval in milliseconds between autorepeats
# of pressed keys. The default is 50 milliseconds.
# Not available on Solaris x86 or PowerPC.
# Comment out the -ar options if you want normal Sun console behavior.
# See "man Xsun" for more details.
exec /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun $* -ar1 150 -ar2 35
Question 2: NFS Tuning
Answer 1: There is a whole book on NFS tuning. I believe I got it at
Sun's book site. If you've taken Veritas training, keep in mind what
they taught there re performance tuning if using software RAID 5.
Question 3: Editing Icon properties
Answer 1: You have to use Create Action in DeskTop Applications which
will allow you to add options to the command. I did it this way and
have no problem.
.Xdefaults example settings:
XTerm*visualBell: true
XTerm*scrollBar: on
XTerm.VT100.saveLines: 1024
XTerm*VT100*ScrollLines: 1
XTerm.Font: Screen-Bold14
XTerm.VT100.Font: Screen-Bold14
XTerm.VT100.Font1: Screen7
XTerm.VT100.Font2: Screen11
XTerm.VT100.Font3: Screen12
XTerm.VT100.Font4: Screen14
XTerm.VT100.Font5: Screen-Bold16
XTerm.VT100.Background: light blue
XTerm.VT100.Foreground: black
XTerm.VT100.Font6: -b&h-lucida sans
XTerm.VT100.eightBitInput: true
XTerm.VT100.eightBitOutput: true
XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \
~Meta<KeyPress>: insert-seven-bit()\n\
Meta<KeyPress>: insert-eight-bit()
When you do an xrdb anything, you should do an xrdb -query to verify that
the changes you want "took". Also remember that the changes made to xterm
resources only apply to xterms opened after the change.
Answer 2: I don't know how to edit the properties of a dragged icon, but
you might check out "The Advanced Users' and System Administrators' Guide"
from the CDE answerbook; it's full of helpful info like that. What I did
to get an xterm on demand was to just put it in my switch (under the lock,
which I also remapped to xlock). No problem. If you find color xterm
sources for Solaris, I'm also interested.
Question 4:
Answer 1. - What kind of slow is your NFS? There are a few sun white
papers on NFS performance in general, and there is a Sun PSD on NFS tuning
(let me know if you need a copy), and there's always "Sun Performance
Tuning" by Cockroft (good book)