Loring Safford suggested doing a showrev -p command, and the patches do
indeed show up after executing this command.
A couple of people, ( Shriman Gurung and Casper Dik) suggested that this is
a parity problem. That did not seem likely to me at first, as this was
working before the patch's were applied, but I am checking on this.
Rahul roy suggested a document available at Sunsolve's website:
This may have proved to be one of the best solutions, although it may very
well turn out to be a problem with parity, as others suggessted. I am
including the
web address supplied by Rahul Roy in case it helps someone on the list--
as the school system I am employed by does not want to pay to be a member of
Sunsolve, I am afraid I could not access the document.
I would like to thank the members of this list for taking the time from
their busy schedules to reply to my question, and I will be sure to
continue to
look over this list, as it is an invaluable source of information.
-Larry Pazdernik
-Computer Information Technician
-Kearney Public Schools