SUMMARY: Gui tool to change passwd.

Simon-Bernard Drolet (
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 14:51:44 -0500

No easy solution for me.

I will have to take a look at the CDE application Builder and create a
small Dt application and I will hook to it some free C code to change

Thank's anyway. And when it's done, I will probably post it if there is
interest in it.

Here is my original question:

Simon-Bernard Drolet wrote:
> Hi gang,
> I need to give some users a way to change their password without giving
> them any shell access.
> Is their a Gui tool somewhere that I can include in our standard CDE
> desktop env to change password (file, nis and hopefully someday, nis+) ?
> Thank's.
> --
> Simon-Bernard Drolet mailto:Simon-Bernard.Drolet@M3iSystems.QC.CA
> Unix System Administrator Tel: (514) 928-3386 ext. 2330
> M3i Systems Inc. Fax: (514) 442-5076
> Longueuil, Quebec, Canada http://www.M3iSystems.QC.CA

Some solution suggested "passwd" as the user shell. Not a good solution
for me.

Some solution suggested setting a machine with each user's sheel on that
system being passwd. (Not bad, but not good enough for me).

A solution said to use tcl/tk. I haven't look in to it, maybe !

Simon-Bernard Drolet      mailto:Simon-Bernard.Drolet@M3iSystems.QC.CA
Unix System Administrator Tel: (514) 928-3386 ext. 2330
M3i Systems Inc.          Fax: (514) 442-5076
Longueuil, Quebec, Canada http://www.M3iSystems.QC.CA