Thanks to everyone for the prompt replies,
My Original Question:
> IHAC (I Have A Customer) having the below configuration:
> 1 x Ultra 30 creator 3D running on Solaris 2.6
> 1 x SunVideo Plus PCI card (P/N: 370-3278) and
> 1 x SunVideo Camera II (P/N:370-2155-01) (Model no: IK-M28SE)
> I have loaded the SUN Video Plus for PCI 1.0 into the workstation and
> follow the instruction
> in the Sunvideo plus for PCI users guide, that is When I try to run
> "SunVideo" to verify,
> it always pop out "Could not open capture board".
> Next, I try on another Ultra 30 creator 3D which running on Solaris
> 2.5.1
> with SunVideo Plus PCI card and SunVideo Camera II, when
> run "SunVideo" , all the capture image from the camera are able to
display > on the screen.
> My question is :
> Is SunVideo Plus PCI card , SunVideo Camera II and SUN Video Plus for PCI
> 1.0 software
> supported on Solaris 2.6 ?
> Would you advice me for this problem ?
> Thank you and Best Regards.
Summary and solution:
Inside the Sunvideo Plus Installation Guide state that
the minimum OS required by SunVideo Plus PCI card (P/N: 370-3278)
is 2.5.1 Hardware 4/97.
So, it should be supported on Solaris 2.6
But this statements is wrong, as someone point out inside
it says that the SunVideo plus Support for Solaris 2.6 will be available in
Jan/Feb 1998.
Therefore we need to wait for the new drivers to drive the board.
Chin Hong