SUMMARY: Clock board on Enterprise 3000

Tony C. Wu (
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 02:00:11 +0800 (CST)

Thanks to the following ppl who took time repling.
Rick Caldwell - GeoQuest - 972-789-7729 <>
Jim Harmon <>
Joel Lee <>
Kimble Britten Webb <kimble@maths.unsw.EDU.AU>
Kenn Owen <>
"Gary W. Cook, System Consultant" <>
Matthew Atkinson <>
Sanjay Patel <>
"Ordaz, Candace" <>
Erwin Fritz <>

Original Post:

What does the following message mean ?

Clock board TOD does not match TOD on any IO board ?


>From Thu Feb 5 01:54:19 1998
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 13:37:22 -0600
To: "Tony C. Wu" <>
Subject: Re: Clock board on Enterprise 3000

My 3000s came from the factory the same way, with the clocks not in sync.
Basicly there is a common backplane on these machines and they share a
clock, and you have to sync them up. I found an article on Sunsolve on how
to do this:

SRDB ID: 14006

SYNOPSIS: Clock TOD does not match TOD on any IO boards after power cycle


After a power cycle of system, the following messages
is issued during the boot process:

"Clock TOD does not match TOD on any IO boards"

System continues to sucessfully boot.


Review the 3000/4000/5000/6000 SMCC Platform Notes regarding
the OpenBoot PROM "copy-clock-tod-to-io-boards" command.

This command will resolve the problem if the cause is that the
redundant NVRAM on an IO does not have a valid copy of the TOD.

The message was first noticed when the system was power cycled.

To fix this problem, install the FlashPROM update (OBP 3.2.3 version)
via patch 103346-02 (which will update the code in ALL FlashPROMs
on the cpu/memory and IO Boards (if not already at 3.2.3).

The first byte of the OBP checksum is kept in the TODC/NVRAM.
Because of a bug in the hardware, the first byte was getting zeroed out
This happens during the power cycle.

Workaround: run "copy-clock-tod-to-io-boards" OpenBoot before
booting the system, then install patch 103346-02 or above.

PRODUCT AREA: System Administration
SUNOS RELEASE: Solaris 2.5.1
HARDWARE: SS3000 Duraflame

I believe that the copy-clock-tod-to-io-boards command fixed it.
