Included my question:
> Can anyone direct me to the following tools that will install/run on a
> Solaris 2.6 machine? I get the following error when I install Richse:
> ## Installing part 1 of 1.
> [ verifying class <none> ]
> ## Executing postinstall script.
> Unsupported platform: sparc.5.6
> pkgadd: ERROR: postinstall script did not complete successfully
> Packages needed:
> The following packages are available:
> 1 ANCrules Adrian's Rules & Tools
> (sparc,i386) 1.0
> 2 RICHPse The SymbEL Interpreter
> (sparc,i386) (09:13 PM 05/02/96)
> 3 RICHPsex The SE eXtensions Package
> (sparc)