SUMMARY: Solaris 2.6 dtMail problems

Rick Fincher (
Thu, 08 Jan 1998 15:46:11 -0500 (EST)

Hi Managers,

Awhile back I posted a message asking for help with a Solaris 2.6 mail problem
when using the CDE desktop mailer, dtmail.

The bizarre thing was that after setting up the /etc/mail/ and
testing it successfully from the command line, dtmail produced different headers
than /usr/lib/sendmail.

As it turns out, dtmail now has a new option un the "advanced" selection under
the "option" menu. The new option is "Host to send mail from:".

Whatever is in this text box is used to override the parms for the
"from:", "Return-path:", and "reply-to:" headers

You must put the fully specified host name in the text box. If the box is left
blank the fields above will have "user@host" style addresses with no domain
names in them.

Hope this helps,
