SUMMARY: Sun watchdog reset due to software?

Renny Koshy (
Tue, 16 Dec 1997 08:44:18 -0400

My question:

Subject: Sun watchdog reset due to software?

We have a Sparcstation 5 running Solaris 2.6. When we run our
software which was working fine under 2.5 (also on SCO, Linux,
UnixWare and QNX) the machine does a watchdog reset.

We are compiling using the Visual Workshop 3.0 for Sparc. The program
compiles okay -- running it seems to kill the machine.

This is a used machine we bought, and I was wondering if it's a software
or maybe something wrong with the hardware?


NO!!!!!!!!!! (which is a good thing for us -- since we're a software
house). ;-) on 12/11/97 01:21:19 PM

To: Renny Koshy/Quantum Telecom Solutions Inc.
Subject: Re: Sun watchdog reset due to software?


Its most likely hardware. Essentially watchdog is not part of unix
kernel so ....

Mike (Mehran) Salehi (716)422-2725

---------------------- Forwarded by Renny Koshy/Quantum Telecom Solutions
Inc. on 12/16/97 08:42 AM --------------------------- on 12/11/97 01:02:48 PM

To: Renny Koshy/Quantum Telecom Solutions Inc.
Subject: Re: Sun watchdog reset due to software?

Check the archives of this list. Someone just gave a very good answer
to the question "what is a watchdog reset". It has something to do with
an interrupt that happens when interrupts are disabled (and not
expected). This causes the cpu to reset. The answer stated that
it could be either software or hardware.

That's all I remember.


David S. Foster Univ. of California, San Diego
Programmer/Analyst Brain Image Analysis Laboratory Department of Psychiatry
(619) 622-5892 8950 Via La Jolla Drive, Suite 2240
La Jolla, CA 92037