> I want to get the status of the execution of a remote command, invoked
> through remote shell.
> How can I do this ?
> To be more clear, an example with an ls will show it better:
> On machine1:
> #!/bin/ksh
> # Note: for this test /pepe doesn't exist on machine1
> ls /pepe
> echo $?
> $? is not 0, because the ls failed.
> How can I do to find this out, when the ls is executed remotely?
> On machine2:
> #! /bin/ksh
> #Note: for this test /pepe doesn't exist on machine1
> rsh machine1 "ls /pepe"
> echo $?
> In this case $? is 0 because the rsh executed succesfully.
> How can I get the result of the ls operation
Everybody seems to agree that using rsh it's not possible to get the
of the command directly, and some trick must be used:
1) Many suggested to use something like
variable=`rsh rmachine "command ; echo $status" `
or even
variable=`rsh rmachine "command || echo 'Error' "`
2) Other suggestion was to use ersh, and I got a copy of it.
I still didn't try it, but if anyone is interested, I can send it to
3) A third option was to use
ssh (http://www/cs/hut.fi/ssh/#further-info)
or use
expect (http://expect.nist.gov, page 118 of the book Exploring
I didn't try option nrs 2 and 3.
Since the I needed the output of the command to be redirected to a file,
what I did was:
rsh rmachine "command || echo ERROR in command" > myfile 2>&1
and grep for the string ERROR in myfile.
Thanks to all the repliers.
Stephen Harris <sweh@mpn.com>
"Garry D. Robbins" <Garry.Robbins@LABATT.com>
Claus Assmann <ca@informatik.uni-kiel.de>
Artur Shnayder <artur@compugen.co.il>
Matt Reynolds <reynolmd@aston.ac.uk>
Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services <Glenn.Satchell@uniq.com.au>
vvuppa@unix.cis.state.mi.us (Vasu Vuppala (DCCI))
Drexx Laggui CSA <drexx@bancnet.net>
Roy Culley <tgdcuro1@gd2.swissptt.ch>
gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil (Marc S. Gibian)
Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child})
Joseph S D Yao <jsdy@tux.org>
charest@chou.CANR.Hydro.Qc.Ca (Claude Charest)
Jochen Bern <bern@TI.Uni-Trier.DE>
"Mike Salehi" <mrs@cadem.mc.xerox.com>
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