Ultra 1 Shutingdown Automeatically.

rajesh (Rajesh.K.Adhikari@mcdnet.ems.vsnl.net.in)
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:09 +0000

Hi Sun Managers,

I shorted out the problem .Many people has said its due to the
tempreture or the cooling fan and its true. Actually the problem is with
the temperture . There were some books next to the Ultra 1 m/c (next to
the fan of the sun m/c) . Due to which it was become hot. Many people
have replied . Thanks to all who all gave the information, specially to
I checked /var/adm/message and found that there is a warning mesg.
called "Thermal problem Detected".

My orginal posting

> I have two Ultra 1 workstations connected to 2 mulipacks of 4 gb each
> mirrored . These m/c's are used for mail sevice. I am using the second
> Ultra 1 for Hot stand by as we are giving mail service to general
> public. This function is done by a software called Qulix HA(High
> Availibility) software which is installed on both the m/c , this
> software is worked based upon the service defined . There are three
> ethernet cards on both the m/c , one card each for the network
> connection the 2nd card is for the Heratbit network for the Qualix and
> the 3rd card is for the service. The 2nd and 3rd ethernet card is
> connected directly back to back between the ULTRA 1 M/c's. The heratbit
> network generally always look for the 1st sun ultra 1 to check whether
> all the services are working or not ( as defined by us in the Qulaix
> config file). If it see taht some thing is notworking then the 2nd Ultra
> 1 will takeover all the service immediately , as all the common sevices
> are in the multipacks the 2nd Ultra 1 just mount the multipacks. This
> config was working perfectly for last 1 year . But form yesterday
> onwards I found that the 2nd Ultra 1 server(stand by) is shutting down
> frequently . I saw some of the log mesg , but couldnot locate anything.
> And now I donot know from where to start. Can some one suggest me what
> could be the problem. All the suggesetions would be appriciated. This is
> very urgent as it's a production m/c
> Tahnks in Advance.

Below are the replies I got to the above problem.

1. From:
Jens Fischer <jefi@su00330.kat.ina.de>

Hi Rajesh,

Have a look at your /var/adm/messages file. I'm quite sure you will
find a message like "Thermal problem detected". This happens if the
internal fan mounted directly upon the CPU is not running (or at
least is not running fast enough). We have replaced 20 % of these
fans in our Ultra systems within the last 6 month.
You should make sure to get a "new" model if you get a replacement.
The new models actualy have the same part no and revision than
the old ones, but you can distinguish them by counting the wings.
The old ones have 5 wings, the new ones have 7 or 11.

Hope that helps

2. From:
"Garry D. Robbins" <Garry.Robbins@LABATT.com>
Labatt Breweries of Canada

Sounds like you have enabled the power conservation
features. If the workstation determines it
has been idle for too long, it can shut itself down.

Alternately, if the machine is oveheating
due to a bad fan, it would also
shut itself down.

"Coffindaffer, Virginia" <Virginia.Coffindaffer@wang.com>

Did anyone turn on the power management feature ?

"Birger A. Wathne" <birger@Vest.Sdata.No>

Look closely in the messages file. If it complains about temperature,
Sun and have the CPU fan changed. Some early Ultra 1's had bad CPU fans.
You could open the lid and see if the tiny fan on top of the CPU is
