Unfortunately, the address being reported was not
an assigned one.
Many thanks also go to ROBIN_BROWN@phl.com
and Carlo Cosolo <ccosolo@ulti.net>
both of whom let me know that the 52:41:53... addresses
are claimed by MS NT servers running RAS when the RAS
machine looks for dhcp servers. This is seen as a
bootp request by the bootp server.
- Christopher
On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Christopher M. Chin wrote:
> Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 11:02:07 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Christopher M. Chin" <chris@Advent.COM>
> Reply-To: "Christopher M. Chin" <cchin@Advent.COM>
> To: Sun Managers Mailing List <sun-managers@ra.mcs.anl.gov>
> Subject: Ethernet addresses and bootpd-2.4.3
> Has anyone experienced this message with bootpd-2.4.3?
> This particular message is filling my logs, and making
> my server unavailable.
> bootpd[26249]: bad addr len from from Ethernet address 52:41:53:20:90:BC
> I'd also like to track this down if a device on my
> network is making too much noise. Does anyone recall
> where the list is that corresponds the NIC manufacturers
> to Ethernet addresses?
> Thanks,
> - Christopher
> ======================