My users are all running the Bourne Shell, so I'm going to go with idled
which looks like more than i need already.
My original post is below. Thank you all very much (too many names to type
in :)
----- Original Post --------
Sorry -- my previous post spazzed
Running SunOS4.1.3 on Sparc5
So, I Have users logging in from this network provider, so effectively they
all come in through a router called "remote-net". This provider charges us
by the minute, and my users are not too tidy abou cleaning up their
sessions after they're done so I spend enormous amounts of money on time
spent Idle.
Is there a sun utility that will log only these "remote-net" users out
after a certain idle time? I was thinking about writing a script to do it
via cron job, but I was hoping for something cleaner.
Thanks very much,
--- Harry Ford * * Market News Service, New York, NY