[SUMMARY] CDE info request ...
Richard Roberto (robertr@nwmarkets.co.jp)
Wed, 03 Dec 1997 13:34:21 +0900 (JST)
I got a handful of respnses directing me to http://docs.sun.com,
which is apparently having problems (and has been for as long as
I've known about it.) I was unable to locate the Advanced Admin
guide refferred to as a result. however, I was able to install all
of the answerbooks that come with Solaris 2.5.1 -- including CDE.
There is no advanced admin guide (at least not here), but the
Solaris CDE installation and administration guide has some useful
information. Namely, there is a section that describes how to
configure the print function for the mail tool (using vi!) and some
information on the error logging.
Thanks to all who replied. I'll keep trying docs.sun.com and keep
an eye out for the advanced cde administrators guide.