SUMMARY: Bootblk Problem.

Eric Pinnell (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 08:37:18 -0800 (PST)

My original question:

> Hi, I have a Sparc 5/85 with a new 4GB Seagate drive. I am trying
> to install Solaris 2.6 on it. After the installation is through the
> machine tries to reboot, it stops and gives me this error:
> Bootblk: Can't find the boot program
> Program Terminated.
> What is going on here? Please help! I will summarize

The what was causing this error was that I was making my root
partition 4GB. It seems that the older systems do not support a root
partition greater than 2GB.
Thanks to the following for their prompt replies:
Matthew Stier
Bismark Espinoza
Russ Poffenberger
Jim Harmon
Garry Robbins
Rick Reineman
Ron Nguyen
Casper Dik
and Mike Frisch


Eric Pinnell <>
Systems Administrator - SNA / Internet Network Technologies Inc.
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