Summary:Telnet from an Solaris Box to a NT machine

Web Master (
Mon, 24 Nov 1997 05:37:50 -0800 (PST)

Thank You for quick response everyone. Thanks to everyone who responded.
There was a general agreement from almost everybody that
NT does not come with a telnetd service (daemon) and needs to be
installed from ether Resource Kit CD or from a third party source.

I installed Hummingbird Mastero and it worked. Also as a backup i
managed to get a UNIX box and configured it for my test.

My orginal post is attached

Thanks again

Sun Managers,

I have a Solaris machine running 2.5.1 connected to internet directly
and another NT 4.0 server machine connected tointernet for some

What i need todo first is that i can do a telnet from an Solaris
machine to an NT machine.

Is this practical ? if yes then what do i need to do because a simple
telnet i tried it refuses to do so.


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