I pulled 3.5beta7 from ftp.groupsys.com (the other
best archive for top), and it compiled quite nicely.
My thanks to: Edward S. Marshall <emarshal@xnet.com>
Samir Arora <sarora@ELDEC.com>
... and anyone else whose suggestions may be underway.
- Christopher
On Wed, 19 Nov 1997, Christopher M. Chin wrote:
> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 13:45:06 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Christopher M. Chin" <chris@Advent.COM>
> Reply-To: "Christopher M. Chin" <cchin@Advent.COM>
> To: Sun Managers Mailing List <sun-managers@ra.mcs.anl.gov>
> Subject: top 3.4 on Solaris 2.6
> Hello gang,
> It seems that things changed enough in Solaris 2.6 that
> it's making my build of top-3.4 difficult.
> cc -I. -DHAVE_GETOPT -DORDER -DSOLARIS24 -O -c machine.c -o machine.o
> "./machine/m_sunos5.c", line 1116: identifier redeclared: setpriority
> current : function(int, int, int) returning int
> previous: function(int, long, int) returning int : "/usr/include/sys/resource.h", line 159
> cc: acomp failed for machine.c
> make: *** [machine.o] Error 2
> If I hack machine/m_sunos5.c so that setpriority uses long
> instead of an integer (as defined by /usr/include/sys/resource.h),
> it compiles, but then I get the error
> kernel: no symbol named `anoninfo'
> (which happens to be the same error I get if I try to run a top
> built for previous version of Solaris.)
> If anyone can suggest a workaround, it would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> - Christopher
> ==========================================================================
> Christopher M. Chin (415) 543-7696 (voice)
> Senior Network Administrator (415) 896-1327 (fax)
> Advent Software, Inc.
> 301 Brannan Street cchin@Advent.COM
> San Francisco, CA 94107-1849
> ==========================================================================