Environment - uname -a says
SunOS seawifs.bigelow.org 5.5.1 Generic_103640-08 sun4m sparc
I'm new to sun and relatively new to unix admin. I have a "thing" that looks
like a package (I think) but pkgadd won't add it. The "thing" in question is
XV from http://www.trilon.com/xv/. When i gunzip and untar the file I
downloaded, I ended up with a directory that contained 2 directories (install
and root) and 2 files, called pkginfo and pkgmap. pkgadd -d /usr/Bowler/xv
says "pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in </usr/Bowler/xv>" (despite the
directory name, this was done as root).
What's happening?
OBTW. I'm going this route 'cause I can't get xvjpeg.c (also from the above
web site)to compile. It complains as follows -
cc -O -L/usr/openwin/lib -I/usr/openwin/include -DDOJPEG -Ijpeg -DDOTIFF
-Itiff -DDOPDS -DSVR4 -c xvjpeg.c
"xvjpeg.c", line 82: identifier redeclared: CreateJPEGW
current : function() returning char
previous: function(void) returning void : "./xv.h", line 1604
"xvjpeg.c", line 108: identifier redeclared: JPEGDialog
current : function() returning char
previous: function(int) returning void : "./xv.h", line 1605
"xvjpeg.c", line 196: identifier redeclared: JPEGSaveParams
current : function() returning char
previous: function(pointer to char, int) returning void : "./xv.h",
line 1607
"xvjpeg.c", line 282: prototype mismatch: 0 args passed, 1 expected
"xvjpeg.c", line 305: warning: identifier redeclared: writeJPEG
current : function() returning char
previous: function(char) returning char : "xvjpeg.c", line 53
"xvjpeg.c", line 305: warning: parameter mismatch: 1 declared, 0 defined
cc: acomp failed for xvjpeg.c
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `xvjpeg.o'
Everything else compiles just fine... If you have any ideas on how to fix that
it would be appreciated...
Thanks again!
| Bruce Bowler | While alive, live. | Usual |
| 1.207.633.9610 | | Disclaimers |
| BBowler@Bigelow.org | Malcomb Forbes | Apply |