> I've got only one answer so far, currently I'm looking into the am-util
> package.
> > We had to copy the 2.5 compiled version over. It did not work correctly when
> > compiled under Solaris 2.6. I still need to look into it.
> >
> > You can also ask amd related questions on the amd-workers mailing list.
> > send mail to "amd-workers-request@majordomo.umd.edu" with the word
> > "subscribe" as the body of the message.
> >
> > There is also a newer version of amd (am-utils is the package name) being
> > developed. It is not yet ready for prime time, but does have NFS Version 3
> > support.
> >
> > Randall
> His email-address:
> rsw@atlantis.csc.umd.edu (Randall S. Winchester)
> My original question:
> > : Hello folks,
> > :
> > : as anybody managed to compile amd on a machine running Solaris 2.6?
> > :
Now it seems all my problems with amd are solved:
the new name of the amd package is 'am-utils'. I got version 6.0a13 from
There are both source and binary for many platforms available.
First I tried a precompiled version of the package but there is a minor change
in the behavior of the amd: the os key has been changed from "sos5" to
"solaris2". That's normaly no problem but at our site we're using the amd for
some tricky things like version management, and this little change would cause
some trouble...
Therefore I decided to compile the package myself. But during this I noticed
that the solaris C compiler (SUNWspro) has some problems with a few headerfiles.
I also tried gcc and got an error caused by another headerfile...
Than I read a SUMMARY of this mailing list where somebody mentioned that gcc
has to be reinstalled for Solaris 2.6 !!!! And that was the trick ;-)
Now amd runs like a charm on our Solaris 2.6 machines.
Dieter Gobbers
Sysadministrator unix and VM/SP at the FAW-Ulm
-Forschungsinstitut fuer Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung-
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