The original question:
>>>>> "Colin" == Colin J Wynne <cwynne@mts.jhu.edu> writes:
Colin> After two power failures in the last few months, the
Colin> powers-that-be finally believe me when I tell them we ought
Colin> to hook the primary server up to a UPS. Are there any
Colin> compatibility considerations I need to know about? I need
Colin> to hook up a Sparc 10 (Solaris 2.5.1) with a bunch of
Colin> drives, and would appreciate any of the collected wisdom
Colin> out there, as well as suggestions on where to buy.
True to form, this list provided me with almost two dozen answers
before I even got to work this morning. Everytime I think the signal
to noise ratio on the net is getting too abysmal, I just need to send
a question off to you guys...
Anyway, far and away the most common recommendation was APC
(http://www.apcc.com/), which by all reports makes very reliable UPSs.
They also have software called PowerChute to manage regulated
shutdowns. Other recommendations were given for Best Power and Exide.
Raymond Rodebaugh <ray@therad.rpslmc.edu> added some additional
> [...] another department in this institution gave us a larger UPS
> that they didn't need. The fringe magnetic fields were so large
> from the device that it distorted the monitors when in the same room
> as the computers.
Jim Harmon <jim@telecnnct.com> very helpfully provided some guidelines
for sizing a UPS, too. Instead of including his entire message, I'll
point out that APC has a webpage which will help you do the same
thing, on the site mentioned above. The specific URL is
Anyway, it looks like I will be looking into an APC Smart-UPS 1400,
which seems to run just shy of $700, and the software which goes for a
little over $100.
Thanks to everybody for the help.
- - --
/\ Colin J. Wynne Johns Hopkins University
(()) Dep't of Mathematical Sciences
/____\ ``Lunatic-at-Large'' E-Mail: cwynne@mts.jhu.edu
/________\ ``When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem
begins to resemble a nail.'' --Abraham Maslow
Version: 2.6.2
Comment: http://www.mts.jhu.edu/~cwynne/