/usr/sbin/rem_drv logindmux
/usr/sbin/add_drv logindmux
> THE LONG OF IT. (skip to THE SHORT OF IT if you don't want my life story)
> This system is my worst nightmare. Configured 2 years before I got to KIVEX.
> The history shows it started as SOLARIS 2.4 and was upgraded to SOLARIS 2.5
> and later to SOLARIS 2.5.1. Hard drive layout is 512MB internal drive as
> partition /. 4Gb external drive partitioned as 256MB swap and 3.7GB /var.
> And of course a symbolic link /usr -> /var/usr.
> It's clear that everything is under /var, including the Solstice backup >
> Hear lies the problem. External hard drive bearings went out. I reinstalled
> the operating system partitioned as before, I did not have time to redisgn
> correctly since it has about 2000 email accounts on it and everyone of them
> was calling me. I then installed Solstice backup server/client. and did a
> full recovery of the system.
> Everything works (well, like it used to) except telnet.
> After recovering a SOLARIS 2.5.1 server from tape, I get the following
error > when trying to telnet to the server
> telnetd: open /dev/logindmux: No such device or address
> .
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> the device look like this
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Nov 10 14:29 /dev/logindmux -> >
> crw------- 1 root sys 11, 4 Nov 10 14:29 >
> can anybody help?
> Thanks in advance.