>>> On 23 Oct 1997 11:15:44 -0500, js@cctechnol.com (Johnie Stafford) said:
js> I am about to upgrade my print server to Solaris 2.6. All of our
js> printers are managed with HP's JetAdmin software. With all the changes
js> in printing for 2.6 will the JetAdmin software still work?
Thanks to the following people that responded:
Sun System Admin <sysadm@its.brooklyn.cuny.edu>
Tim Evans <tkevans@eplrx7.es.dupont.com>
Matthew Stier <Matthew.Stier@tddny.fujitsu.com>
trey@zipcon.net (Trey Valenta)
Systems Admin <sysadmin@lvision.com>
Richard Skelton <rich@brake.demon.co.uk>
The responses ranged from 'It doesn't work here' to 'It's working fine
for me'. Richard Skelton suggested the latest version of the JetAdmin
software, available at:
What I ended up doing was to upgrade a non-critical workstation and
install the latest version of the JetAdmin software on it. I then
set it up to manage one of the lower traffic HP laser printers in the
office. The only problem I had was that setting a printer up as the
default printer from within the Jet Admin software doesn't work due to
a bug in the script. This is easily worked around with the lpadmin -d
<printer> command. Other than that, it appears to work fine.
-- ============================================================================== Johnie Stafford, System Administrator * Phone: (318) 261-0660 C & C Technologies, Inc. * Fax: (318) 261-0192 730 East Kaliste Saloom Road * E-mail: js@cctechnol.com Lafayette, LA 70508 * URL: http://www.cctechnol.com ==============================================================================