First, thanks to everyone who took the time to reply and sorry if I forgot
your name:
Richard Skelton
Birger A. Wathne
Glenn Satchell
David Robson
Gary W. Cook
Not too long ago I asked the question:
> I running into some strange problems. I have a Sparc Classic X with 32MB
> of Ram. I don't know what it was doing before but i got it with no disk
> and no floppy.
> I slapped a 2GB disk in it, a floppy and an external CDROM. Now I have
> two problems.
Most poeple came back to me and said the classi was an X terminal and that I
couldn't do that or that I needed a new PROM or I needed to buy Sun Transition
kit. Turns out there's a easy way to do this. From the Ok prompt:
On Oct 26, "Gary W. Cook" writes:
[... edited ]
> ok
> ok ff 71202004 20 spacec!
> ok 12 71202005 20 spacec!
> ok 08 71202006 20 spacec!
> ok 36 71202007 20 spacec!
> For the full NVRAM FAQ..
And it worked, the Classic X finally behaves like a perfectly normal and
healthy Classic.
Thanks everyone.
On Oct 26, David Robson writes:
> Subject: Re: Boot cdrom on Classic X
> Firstly, being a Sparc Classic X, it wouldn't have disk because its a an X
> terminal! ;-) Typicaly you would purhase a copy of the managment software
> (forgot the name) which allows you to boot and manage centraly, many X
> terminals.
> The workstation equivilent was simply called a Sparc Classic.
> Now, at one stage we looked at converting our Sparc Classic X terminals to
> workstations, and Sun told us we would have to replace the proms in each
> machine! This was not an economic solution, and so we abandoned that option.
> However as recent as a couple of days ago, I learned there is a site on the
> web that has the three prom settings (amongst other things) that need to be
> changed to make the terminal into a workstation, however since we were no
> longer interested I didn't make a note of it... :-(
> So, browse and ye shall find, or let me know and I'll go back to my source
> to find the URL.
> --
> David Robson
> Davtin Systech Pty Ltd
On Oct 27, Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services writes:
> Subject: Re: Boot cdrom on Classic X
> Classic X is an Xterminal, so it has a different boot prom in it. You
> need to get a boot prom that will suit a classic before you use it as a
> workstation.
> regards,
> --
> Glenn Satchell |
> Uniq Professional Services Pty Ltd ACN 056 279 335 | In a world with
> PO Box 70, Paddington, NSW 2021, (Sydney) Australia | no fences who
> Phone 02 9380 6360 Pager 016 287 000 Fax 02 9380 6416 | needs Gates?
On Oct 27, Birger A. Wathne writes:
> Subject: Re: Boot cdrom on Classic X
> This is a classic, but with a special boot prom that is only meant to
> be used as an X terminal. It has to boot the Sun Xterminal software,
> normally over the net. You can buy an upgrade consisting of a new boot prom
> and the license to run Solaris. The license is the part that costs money.
> Birger
On Oct 27, David Robson writes:
> Subject: Re: Boot cdrom on Classic X
> Try this:
On Oct 26, Richard Skelton writes:
> Subject: Re: Boot cdrom on Classic X
> Hi Charles,
> A Sparc Classic X is a X Terminal,If you want to use it as a workstation you
> need a conversion kit from SUN.
> --
> Cheers
> Richard.
> =
> Richard Skelton | e-mail :
> WWW :
On Oct 27, writes:
> Subject: RE: Boot cdrom on Classic X
> G'day,
> The Classic X has it's SCSI disabled in the NVRAM. If you look at the
> NVRAM.faq it will tell you exatly how to edit the NVRAM, and make it a
> Classic (ie have SCSI enabled).
> Oh, and it does work (I am typing this e-mail from one, that also uses TRUE
> Parity PC memory instead of expensive SUN memory).
> If you can't find the NVRAM.faq, I'll dig around in my desk and see if I
> can't find a
> copy for you.
> Cheers,
> Simon Whiting.
-- Charles Gagnon | All opinions expressed herein are Systems Admin, Pencom PSA | fictitious. Any ressemblance with Charlesg@Psa.Pencom.COM | actual opinions, living or dead is at: Bell Atlantic T&E, N.Y. | purely concidental.Click here if you're not using a mouse. -- from a Microsoft installation prompt