Thanks to those below who responded so quickly:
Jena Philippe Le Roy
Mike Salehi
Jason L. Harrell
Jeff Graham
Benjamin R. Cline # with the French version # with the German version
Mariel Feder
SUMMARY: To add a remote printer
>From admintool (/usr/bin/admintool) select edit,add, remote, fill out
the host and printQ and voila its done.
lpsystem <remote host name> # refer to the man page on this
lpadmin -p <printer name> -s <remote host name> -T <unknown> -I <any>
-D <"description">
lpadmin -d <printer name> # to set as your default printer
Also pmadm can be used to verify the port monitor setup for the socket
and service.
Having done all this I still have been unsucessful in sending a job
from the SPARC to the Digital UNIX host (BSD). Does anyone have an
idea as to what is holding up the communications ? How is the
universal system address used in the pmadm command. Should the local
or remote sytem be listed here for the tcp listen service?
Thanks again for the quick responses.
Dana McClure