Hello everybody.
I am using Solaris 2.5.1, CDE 1.0.2
I want to specify certain applications to start up when a user logs in
and starts CDE on a per user basis.
According to the CDE manual, I should create an executable script file
in $HOME/.dt/sessionetc containing the commands (that should run on
But it doesn't work. Does this script requires a certain syntaxis that I
don't know? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
I got only one answer from Artur Shnayder, which was the right one:
There is a doc bug ID 1233436 in the CDE Advanced User's and System
Administrator's Guide, chapter 2.
It should be $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionetc (sessions subdirectory is
missing in the path).
The file should have execute permissions and starts all the commands in
the background. This is the file that is executed on the CDE startup.
The same applies to $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionexit, which is the right
name of the file that is executed at CDE shutdown (same mistake in the
path, subdirectory sessions missing).
Best regards
> Bug Id: 1233436
> Category: doc
> Subcategory: cde_user_guides
> State: integrated
> Release summary: 1.0.1, cde1.0, cde1.0.1, cde1.0.2, 1.0.1_fcs1-d
> Synopsis: Adv User Guide, $HOME/.dt/session/sessionetc incorrect file path in
> doc
> Integrated in releases: cde1.1
> Patch id:
> Description:
> In CDE Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide, it is specified
> that additional applications can be started by including the application
> in $HOME/.dt/sessionetc. See page 35
> This is incorrect. It is a docucment error. Should be
> $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionetc
> Instead of creating $HOME/.dt/sessionetc, create $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionetc
> Same is true for sessiontexit, on page 36, it should be
> $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionexit
> The description field as copied from bug report 1246658 follows:
> [04/18/96 - tharakan]
> The CDE Advanced User's & System Administrator's Guide - pg 35, 36 incorrectly
> identifies the location of the sessionetc and sessionexit files as
> <Home Directory>/.dt/sessionetc and <Home Directory>/.dt/sessionexit
> respectively, when in fact they should be
> <Home Directory>/.dt/sessions/sessionetc & <Home
> Directory>/.dt/sessions/sessionexit
> respectively
> The description field as copied from bug report 1233763 follows:
> Page 35 of the CDE Advanced User's and System Administration Guide talks
> about $HOME/.dt/sessionetc insted of $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionetc
> Page 36 has a similar typo for sessionexit.
> Work around:
> creating sessionetc in $HOME/.dt/sessions
> The work around field as copied from bug report 1246658 follows:
> Correct location of sessionetc and sessionexit is in the sessions directory