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-- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Sean Harvey OAO Corp harvey@nmc8.chinalake.navy.mil Ridgecrest CA (619)939-2199 a Million dollars a day!! Dammit Janet, I love you!! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_--Boundary_(ID_jbdQbjrW1TwNxjrnrjdD3Q) Content-type: text/plain; name=HEX_summary; charset=us-ascii Content-disposition: inline; filename=HEX_summary Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
>Hello All- > >I need to view ascii files in hex format on a Sun workstation. Similar >to what Norton Utilities will do on a PC. Can anyone tell me how? > >Sean
I recieved many replies saying 'use od'. I did, it worked, thanks.
Here are a couple of perl scripts:
>From Darren Brechman-Toussaint
======================== cut here ================================ #!/opt/perl/perl
# Usage: xdump [file]
# Use the file they specified, if specified
open(STDIN,$ARGV[0]) || die "Can't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n" if $ARGV[0];
# Do it optimall as long as we can read 16 bytes at a time.
while (($len = read(STDIN,$data,16)) == 16) { @array = unpack('N4', $data); $data =~tr/\0-\37\177-\377/./; printf "%8.08x %8.08x %8.08x %8.08x %8.08x %s\n",$offset, @array, $data; $offset += 16; }
# Now finish up the end a byte at a time.
if ($len) { @array = unpack('C*', $data); $data =~y/\0-\37\177-\377/./; for (@array) { $_ = sprintf('%2.2x', $_); } push(@array, ' ') while $len++ < 16; $data =~ s/[^ -~]/./g; printf "%8.08x ",$offset; printf "%s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%s%s %s\n",@array, $data; }
From: David Thorburn-Gundlach
Here ya go. A budding perl hacker, I whipped up a script for you :-) I'd be interested in a summary...
###################################################################### # hexdump: writes an annoted hex dump of the form # hexx addr: hx hx hx hx hx hx hx ... hx aaaaaaa...a # control chars (octal 0-37 + 177) are converted to '.' (KISS principle) ######################################################################
# $Id: hexdump,v 1.1 1997/10/09 17:29:42 dtg11111 Exp $ #
# I should put a Usage() in here in case of problems... $input_file = $ARGV[0]; # must read from file(?) $file_pos = 0; # offset = 0 (beginning)
open (INPUT_FILE, $input_file) || die ("Whoa! Could not open $input_file!\n");
$line_text = sprintf ("%8lx", $file_pos); # line begin hex address $line_text =~ s/ /0/g; # convert ' ' to 0 $line_text =~ s/^(....)/$1 /g; # break word into bytes $line_text .= ": "; # spacing for data
$hex_string = ""; # string to read $sixteen_bytes = ""; ###
# Grab each 16-byte segment in file, increment file position. while (read (INPUT_FILE, $asc_string, 16) == 16) # more file to process? { $file_pos += 16; # track for counter $hex_string = unpack ("H32", $asc_string); # asc2hex $hex_string =~ s/(..)/$1 /g; # hxhx => hx hx $asc_string =~ s/([\00-\37,\177])/./g; # strip ctrl chars $line_text .= "$hex_string"; # put together $line_text .= " $asc_string"; # put together print "$line_text\n"; # show the line
$line_text = sprintf ("%8lx", $file_pos); # line begin hex address $line_text =~ s/ /0/g; # convert ' ' to 0 $line_text =~ s/^(....)/$1 /g; # break word into bytes $line_text .= ": "; # spacing for data }
close (INPUT_FILE);