Thanks for responses to those who responded!
The simple answer was that a power down and up was
necessary to get the mouse to work again.
Roy E.Ramberg Telefon : +47 22856639
Systems Manager Telefax : +47 22854215
Department of Geology E-Mail :
Postboks 1047 Blindern
N-0316 OSLO, Norway
>From royr Tue Oct 14 13:08:34 1997
Subject: Mouse not reacting
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This is urgent!
Have a Sun Sparc Classic with Solaris 2.5.1 installed.
Everything worked fine until I needed to borrow the
keyboard because another keyboard got broken on another
machine (Sparc 5 with Norwegian keyboard). The keyboard
I borrowed was english and had a laser mouse whereas the
broken one had a mechanical mouse and has Norwegian layout.
I put the kayboard back on the Classic after borrowing it
and now suddenly the mouse is dead. I get to boot the
machine, I get the CDE login screen but the mouse is
dead. There is no light in it, but it was working fine
a few seconds before I took it off and tried it on
the other machine.
So now I have two machines down instead of one!
Anybody seen this before, have any solutions. I need
some quick answers here since I cannot have two
machines down.