> How can I check whether the load in a MP box is being distributed
> among the processors - and correct the problem if it is not?
Jeff Wasilko <jeffw@smoe.org>
greg@crusoe.net (Greg Coleman (G-tech Corp.))
pointed out /usr/bin/mpstat
greg@crusoe.net (Greg Coleman (G-tech Corp.))
suggested proctool: http://www.tamu.edu/~ftp/pub/suntools/proctool/
Continuing my original question:
> AFAIK, on way of checking is via top: a higher than 100% accumulated
> CPU load is a sign of multiprocessing.
Casper Dik <casper@holland.Sun.COM> said:
: Not true. On a Solaris system, 100% use of one CPU on a N-way system gives
: you 100/N% CPU use.
: The percentage is teh percentage *of the total system* not of a single CPU.
(my comment: at least on a 4-way SPARCserver-1000 my claim abou top is
true - maybe it is an old top).
[top output]
: Hm, 16.67%, perhaps you have a 6 CPU machine?
[prtdiag output]
: Yes, you have!
: Since you have 4 single threaded processes, the best you can hope
: for is 100x4/6 = 66%, for those processes. An additional 6% is apparently
: used for otehr processes.
: BTW, the latest version of top will show the cpu # on which a proces
: lives:
That is version 3.5beta6, I just grabbed from
I am currently using the latest nonbeta, 3.4.
Thanks to all of you.
-- Arnaldo Mandel Computer Science Dept. Universidade de S\~{a}o Paulo, Brazil am@ime.usp.br