Original Question:
> Hi All
> /var/spool/lp/tmp is filling up with old requests, some of which seem to have
> the file copied locally and some usse the default link behaviour. OS is 2.5.1
> machine is an E3000 patches installed are many.
> Print requests that come from another system, or are created by piping
> to the stdin of lp create a separate copy of the file in the spool
> directory. There's not much you can do about that unfortunately.
> A lot of applications that create temporary files to be printed use lp
> -c to copy them and then they delete the temporary file. THey have to
> do it this way because otherwise they have no way of knowing when it's
> safe to delete the file.
> I have the same problem with it filling up...
> In my case, an "lpstat -o" will clean old
> entries up, but I'd like to know why it won't do it automatically.
Personally I have done the latter and put 'lpstat -o' in a cronjob on the
culprit machines. However I would also like to klnow why this happens in the
first place :)
-- Stephen Johnston Phone: +49 89 32006 288 SERCO GmbH at European Southern Observatory Fax: +49 89 32006 380 Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2 http://www.eso.org D-85748 Garching bei Munchen mailto:sjohnsto@eso.org Deutschland