Summary -performance stats on an application
Thu, 09 Oct 1997 12:33:20 -0500
To the group,
I wish to thank everyone that responded to my original question. The
overall response was to try "Proctool". It was developed by people at
Sun, but is not supported by Sun.
Thanks to:
Kelly; BJ <> at Internet
Rich Kulawiec <> at Internet at Internet
Joel Lee <> at Internet (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child}) at
Richard Skelton <> at Internet (James T Ranks) at Internet
My original posting was:
Question for the group,
I need to determine the amount of resources an application is
I am running a Sun Spacstation 20 with Solaris 2.5.1., with 64
ram, and 2 internal 2.1gig drives and 8 external 1.05 gig
The application is running off of one of the internal drives.
vmstat is not very useful because it does not provide which
applications are using the resources(I suppose I could come in a
midnight when no one else is on the system - not my first
I have loaded in the top binary and it does provide additional
info on
cpu utilization.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance. I will summarize.
Mark Conroy