I asked about the amount of swap space a typical CDE execution normal consumes.
The answers, very limited in number, were:
1. Upgrade to CDE 1.0.2 and the latest patches -- can't do it, though I will in
concert with upgrading to Solaris 2.6 in the future.
2. roughly 50M. -- this does not account for the swap space problems on my
developer systems, so apparently I have something else going wrong and need to
further investigate the problem.
My thanks to:
Richard Skelton <rich@brake.demon.co.uk>
Dan Pritts <danno@aa.fv.com>
Marc S. Gibian
COMSYS Information Technology Services phone: (617) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email: gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil
or is it: gibian@hanscom.af.mil
well, maybe: gibianm@hanscom.af.mil
and if all else fails: marc.gibian@acm.org
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From: gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil (Marc S. Gibian)
Subject: how much swap does CDE consume?
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>From gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil Fri Oct 3 19:45:33 1997
Followup-to: gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil (Marc S. Gibian)
Status: RO
I recently started running out of swap space on a regular basis on my
workstation. This after running it for at least a year in its current
configuration with no problems. I've examined things and it appears that the
vast majority of my swap is being consumed by CDE (> 150M of the somewhat more
than 200M configured). Everything else uses quite a small amount of swap, but
every now and then the non-CDE processes exceed the 50-60M available due to
CDE's appetite.
How much swap space do you typically see CDE consuming on developer
The machines in question are primarily SPARCstation 20/10 workstations running
Solaris 2.5 and CDE 1.0.1.
Marc S. Gibian
COMSYS Information Technology Services phone: (617) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email: gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil
or is it: gibian@hanscom.af.mil
well, maybe: gibianm@hanscom.af.mil
and if all else fails: marc.gibian@acm.org