Replicated Filesystems
Multiple location fields can be specified for replicated NFS
filesystems, in which case automount chooses a server with
preference given to a server on the local subnet or net.
If each location in the list shares the same pathname then a
single location may be used with a comma-separated list of
Requests for a server may be weighted, with the weighting
factor appended to the server name as an integer in
parentheses. Servers without a weighting are assumed to
have a value of zero (most likely to be selected). Progres-
sively higher values decrease the chance of being selected.
In the example,
man -ro alpha,bravo,charlie(1),delta(4):/usr/man
hosts alpha and bravo have the highest priority; host delta,
the lowest.
Special thanks to:
David Thorburn-Gundlach
> I have recently configured our site to use NIS-PLUS
> on solaris 2.5.1. I have a backup NIS server which is great.
> But If the main server is down, then the system cannot
> mount the user directories. Can the automounter be set
> up so that if one source is down it will mount from
> a second?
> Thanks
> Roger