i have have a problem with automountd (Ultra 2, Solaris 2.5.1)
and an AXIS cdrom server.
I see this message:
Sep 26 10:09:54 haegar automountd[139]: server cdrom01 not responding
NFS mounts are still working.
Here is the an answer from Mattew Stier (thanx):
I ran into this same problem myself. The problem is that 4.13 of the Axis
firmware, responds incorrectly to the automounter's NFSv3 type query.
Due to this,
error, automounter won't mount the share. (Note: This doesn't effect NFS
mounting. You can still NFS mount the Axis NFS share.)
I know that 4.00 works, I haven't tested 4.12 for the problem.
Well, i think we will wait for the next firmware version .... ;-)
-- Detlev | Institut fuer Mikroelektronische Systeme, Uni Hannover Habicht | D-30167 Hannover +49 511 7624992 habicht@ims.uni-hannover.de --------+-------- Handy +49 172 5415752 ---------------------------