About two weeks ago I asked for references on performance tuning a Solaris box.
Below is a summary of the replies.
Sorry for taking this long to post a summary, but I was up to my eyeballs last week
and out of the office this week.
This is a great list -- thanks everyone.
Performance Tuning references ========================== Recommendations were as follows:
"Sun Performance and Tuning: SPARC and Solaris", author Adrian Cockroft http://www.sun.com/smi/ssoftpress/books/Cockcroft/Cockcroft.html
"System Performance Tuning", author Mike Loukides, publisher O'Reilly & Associates
Brian Wong's presentation from the Sun User's Group Conference that occurred a couple months ago.
"Configuration Capacity and Planning", author Brian Wong
Search www.sun.com, especially Cockroft's articles in SunWorld Online.
Check out http://sunsolve1.sun.com/
Check out http://www.sun.com/sunworldonline/
A good book that I have used (for Solaris 2.3) is "Optimizing UNIX for Performance" by Amir H. Majidimehr. (ISBN 0-13-11151-0) It is not Solaris-only, but it has a lot of Solaris-specific examples. It's well written in a "do this" kind of format, which I like.
Cockroft's SE Performance Toolkit at http://www.sun.com/960301/columns/adrian/se2.5.html
"Essential System Administration" THE Sys Admin bible...
Don't take the Sun class about performance tuning if you're looking at it from a Sys admin's perspective. It's more for developers.
NFS/NIS by Hal Stern
Have you tried the man pages for iostat, vmstat, sar, top, netstat and nfstat? You can really get quite far along in your understanding of performance with these as your only starting point.
Sincere thanks to the following people who replied: "joel.d.spieth" <joel.d.spieth@awo.com> Chris.Baker@UK.Sun.COM (Chris Baker - SunSoft - Principal Systems Engineer) Erik Janssen <ejanssen@nl.oracle.com> cwarner@slpma8.ed.ray.com (Caleb Warner) "Boyko, Steve" <SBoyko@nbpower.com> Ken Franco <kfranco@gdeb.com> Bertrand Hutin <hb@o2tech.fr> White Gary SrA USAFE CSS/SCOE <Gary.White@ramstein.af.mil> celeste@celestial.stokely.com (Celeste Stokely) nick.klee@nomura.co.uk gibian@stars1.hanscom.af.mil (Marc S. Gibian) Andi Paton <apaton@wtl1.demon.co.uk> Arolovitch Alan <alan@macs.biu.ac.il> =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ing=2E_Erick_Cede=F1o?= <erickc@sonitel.com> Andi Paton <apaton@wtl1.demon.co.uk> Jim Harmon <jharmon@telecnnct.com> Leonard Sitongia <sitongia@jabba.hao.ucar.edu> Steve Phelps <steve@epic.co.uk> Scott McBain <scott.a.mcbain@boeing.com> Rasana Atreya <atreya@library.ucsf.edu> Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child}) jdschn@dilbert.monsanto.com (John D Schneider) Bodle - Don <bodled@isf.day.disa.mil> Tom Mornini <tmornini@infomania.com> Simon Convey <simon@iway.nl> Justin Young <justiny@cluster.engr.subr.edu> sardella@mains.fiat.it (Sardella Matteo)