SUMMARY: Changing openwin background color

Ricardo Ferraro G. da Silva (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 15:42:10 -0300 (EST)

Hi folks !

Thanks for all that could help this "almost blind" ;-) unix lover:

Troy Wollenslegel <>
Marcel Chukwunenye <>
Stephen Harris <>
Chris Haggard <>
Amy Hollander <>
Bismark Espinoza <bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Rasana Atreya <>
Ira Childress <>
Rich Kulawiec <>
Nadya Williams <>

After your help I could find out that all the parameters that "xview"
accepts are valid for the X applications that I would like to change
colors, for example textedit. I could change
/usr/openwin/lib/openwin-menu-utilities and
/usr/openwin/lib/openwin-menu-programs and customize the parameters to the
best colors for me, saving the workspace.

Completing some of the info that you followed to me, the latest release of
xv can be found at:

And if you'd like to get some RGB codes:

Some of the solutions that you told I decided not to try now, but will
do later. If any news appear from now on, I'll complete this
summary to the list.

nice weekend for all, thanks, Ricardo.


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 97 10:40:24 EDT
From: Troy Wollenslegel <>
To: "Ricardo Ferraro G. da Silva" <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

I actually know what you mean. I got a copy of XV (a graphics program)
and set it up to put a jpg file as my background when I start openwin.
Helps with eyestrain, and also looks much better than just one color.



Date: Fri, 25 Apr 97 10:51:57 EDT
From: Marcel Chukwunenye <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color


See the man page on "reservecolors" which comes openwindows and see if
it will help. I use command line options to the colors I want when I
start "xterm" or any window. Example:
"XMain" exec xterm -g 80x57-0-0 -bg cornsilk -fg black -fn 7x13 -cu -sb
-title Main -n Main "#+1085+700" &

Good luck.



Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 16:00:09 +0100 (BST)
From: Stephen Harris <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

In your .openwin-init file add a line
xsetroot -solid '#rrggbb'

This file gets run at startup.

You can test it on any command line to pick your favourite colour.


From: Chris Haggard <>
To: "Ricardo Ferraro G. Da Silva" <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

What window manager are you running? If it is motif that wont work, for
either one though you can use the xsetroot command:

xsetroot -solid blue

and so on...

Hope this helps...


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 11:15:23 -0400
From: Amy Hollander <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

you can do a help on the openwin command and
look at the arguments -fg and -bg for
forground and back ground

You can pick any color you want.


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 97 08:45:54 PDT
From: Bismark Espinoza <bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Cc: bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

The file to change is .Xdefaults in your home directory.
This entry will give you a light blue workspace color.

OpenWindows.WorkspaceColor: #40a0c0


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:34:02 -0700
From: Rasana Atreya <>
To: "Ricardo Ferraro G. da Silva" <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color


Here are some ways of doing this:

Look in: /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/bitmaps

You will find lots of files which you may set as background. You can test out
different files till you find something suitable. For example:

$ xsetroot -bitmap /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/bitmaps/opendotMask


$ xsetroot -solid midnightblue
$ xsetroot -solid gray
(Experiment with different colours. Gray is my personal preference. It
cuts out brightness dramatically).

Or, if you want personalized wallpaper, get a program called xv by John
Bradley (it's free).
$ xv -root -quit background_you_want.gif
It does not have to be a gif file only.
-root means put it in the X root window (background) tiled,
-quit means exit after doing that.

Hope this helps,


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:21:37 -0500
From: Ira Childress <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

In the .openwin-menu file where you call up either a shelltool or cmdtool,
include the following:

"3480serv" exec $OPENWINHOME/bin/cmdtool -label \
"3480serv" -Wf 0 0 0 -Wb 110 210 110 \
-font screen.b.12 rlogin 3480serv -l root

-label places a name in the toolbar.

-Wf is the foreground color (RGB encoding, maximum of 255. White would be
255 255 255, 0 0 0 would be black, 255 0 0 would be bright red)

-Wb is the background color (same RGB encoding)

-font -s the character size and type


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 12:29:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Rich Kulawiec <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

Put these in your ~/.Xdefaults file, then get out of Open Windows, then
start it up again; you'll find yourself with a set of colors that is
somewhat soothing in nature.

OpenWindows.BorderColor: #999999
OpenWindows.WindowColor: #e5b7b7
OpenWindows.WorkspaceColor: #40a0c0

BTW, the default background for OpenWindows is *not* white; it's possible
that someone -- you, a sysadmin, whoever -- has done something to change
that. But the default OpenWindows background is blue.


Rich Kulawiec


Date: Fri, 25 Apr 97 10:06:35 PDT
From: Nadya Williams <>
Subject: Re: Changing openwin background color

you can use colors to specify your background and foreground.
For example, to have a navy background with white text you can
execute a command from any window :
shelltool -bg navy -fg white &
for colors reversal you can use
shelltool -rv &
After you find the combination of colors you like, you can edit
the .openwin-init file and add the desired flags to your shelltool
and commandtool invocations to make them permanent.
For more info you can look at man pages for sunview under SunOS
and for xview under Solaris.

Nadya Williams.
