"David H. Brierley" <dhb@ssd.ray.com>
The error message was:
Name collision between aaa-18-s aaa
...yada yada yada....
Answer is:
The names you have listed are all terminal types, in particular they
are all variants of an "Ann Arbor Ambassador" terminal. If you are
actually using this type of terminal you need to look at the files in
"/usr/share/lib/terminfo/a" and resolve the conflict. Note that these
files are binary, you need to use "infocmp" to look at them. If you
are not using this type of terminal, simply go to
/usr/share/lib/terminfo/a and remove the offending files.
-- "
MaryEllen Yager BroadBand Technologies, Inc.
IS Unix System Administrator PO Box 13737,
Email: mey@bbt.com RTP, NC 27709-3737
Phone: 919-405-4597 www.bbt.com
"Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result
of your life." - Grenville Kleiser
Return-Path: <sun-managers-relay@ra.mcs.anl.gov>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 20:22:39 +0200 (MEST)
From: Matthias Kurz <mk@baerlap.north.de>
Subject: Summary: ODS crash
Sender: sun-managers-relay@ra.mcs.anl.gov
To: ML Sun Managers <sun-managers@ra.mcs.anl.gov>
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Followup-to: Matthias Kurz <mk@baerlap.north.de>
> I've lost two disks in a RAID5 volume. One was in Maintanence
> and one in 'Last Erred'. After i resynced the disk that was
> in Maintenance mode, the filesystem was corrupted and the
> machine constantly panicked with 'freeing already free inode'.
> Currently i'm resyncing the second disk, because after the
> first was finished i've got read errors and could not create
> at new filesystem.
> So my question: Is the raid really in a reliable state when
> the second resync finished ? Or must i reinitialize the whole
> raid ? If so - how can i stop the current sync.
Thanks to
Sun Support (sometimes i like mondays)
Thomas White <twhite@bear.com>
Jim Harmon <jharmon@telecnnct.com>
First a clarification: I did not really loose two disks. I lost
one disk. While the raid was working with one disk less, a second
disk stopped working. Reboot did not help, but after a power cycle
the second disk came back.
The answer to my question was: Yes, the raid itself will
be in a reliable state after the second sync, but the data on
the raid might be corrupted. In my case there was very much
data. I inspected only the most important things (needed for
the current work and/or not backed up) and found only few
corruptions. Inspection of the rest would have taken much time.
And there would have been the risk of overlooking something.
So i deleted the data and restored from backups. Can't say how
much of that was really corrupted.
In any case one should install the current ODS jumbo patch
(102580-xx). With this patch installed i probably could have
used the raid after the first sync was finished or even without
doing a second sync. The problem is, that while multiple components
in a raid are faulted you have only read access. ... see 1218867
in 102580-xx.README.
The filesystem was mounted read/write and that read only access
confused the system and led to the panics.
The other question was, whether there is a way to stop a sync.
The answer is: There is no command to stop a sync. But one
can shut down the system and 'unplug' the disk. This raises
an error - the sync is aborted and the disk is put back in
-- Matthias Kurz; Fuldastr. 3; D-28199 Bremen; VOICE +49 421 53 600 47