Craig L. Gruneberg (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 11:27:08 -0400

Thanks for the help!

My original plea for help was:

> To:
> Subject: BootPROMs
> Anyone know how to determine what is the latest rev level of
> boot PROM supported on a given machine and how to go about getting
> that part from Sun??

Casper set me straight on the numbering scheme Sun uses for the PROMs
and it turns out I have a version in the Sparc 20 that is current. I
installed a 10/100Mb Sbus ethernet card and it required a ROM rev
level of 2.3 or better. The machine was reporting 2.22 which I erroneously
assumed was older than 2.3. To wit, Casper's reply:

----- Begin Included Message -----

>> From casper@holland.Sun.COM Tue Apr 15 16:34:46 1997

Well, Rev 2.22 is *much* newer than rev 2.3

It's not a decimal point:

2.1 < 2.3 ... < 2.9 < 2.10 ... < 2.22 < 2.99 < 2.100
----> newer --->>

----- End Included Message -----

I thought this was very strange but Casper assured me it isn't!

Other's misinterpreted my question- they passed along methods to
determine what rev level was currently installed in the box. At the
boot prompt:

ok> banner

or if the system is up:

{clg} zygote: prtconf -V
