[SUMMARY] Error for using ghostscript

Chi Man Wu - SAN (wuc@hkmail.sps.mot.com)
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 14:52:51 +0000 (HKT)

Hello admins,

Special thinks to all for answer/comment :

Original Question :

I just install Aladdin ghostscript 4.03 by following

1) untar ghostscript-4.03.tar
2) cd gs4.03
3) untar ghostscript-4.03jpeg.tar
4) untar ghostscript-4.03libpng.tar
5) untar ghostscript-4.03zlib.tar
6) correct the prefix, and path of jpeg, libpng, zlib
for unix-cc.mak
7) make
8) make install
9) Copy font to <install_dir>/share/ghostscript/fonts

My System information is
Hardware : Sparc20
OS : SunOS 4.1.3_U1


>From Laurent Duperval <laurent@Grafnetix.COM>

What compiler did you use? If it's gcc-2.7.2, I think there is a bug in
that version which causes the behavior you see. Check the docs, there
is a workaround. Or, compile and install gcc-

Martin Trampler <trampler@pi1.informatik.uni-mannheim.de>

I assume you used gcc-2.7.X. to compile ghostscript.
The problem is described in the file "make.txt":

gcc (all platforms):
There is an optimizer bug in gcc 2.7.0, 2.7.1, and 2.7.2 that causes
these versions of gcc to generate incorrect code. You can work around this
by adding the switch
to the compilation switches (CFLAGS). Alternatively, you can rebuild gcc
with the following patch:
The patch is appended, but since I didn't want to recompile gcc I used
the first method.

From: Gary Richardson <uunet!agile.com!gpr>

I've found that whenever I run into problems similar to this that when I
switch over and use gcc instead of Sun's cc things compile fine.

I don't know if this is your problem, but if you have gcc it might be
worth trying to compile with this.
