SUMMARY: Sparc20 PPP server
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 17:44:33 -0400

Hi everybody,

Sorry for the late summary.

Thanks to:
Rob Pieters <>
Larry Williamson <>
Ryan Permeh <>
"Lajos Moczar" <>
Louis Hoo <> (Celeste Stokely)
Tim Carlson <>

Original message:

> I would like to set up a Sparc20 running Solaris 2.x as a PPP server.
> The SPARC is currently attached to a large ethernet network, and I want
> to be able to connect to it from a Mac at home and use applications
> that require TCP/IP.

> What I can fo so far is dialup from home to a terminal server from where
> I can telnet to the SPARC. I have searched the internet but most of the
> info I found refers to setting up a SPARC to be connected to the internet
>through PPP.

> Can I please get some pointers from people that have done this before?


Stokely Consulting's Unix Serial Port Resources page at:

Usenet newsgroup:


PPP Software:

dp-4.0 (

Solaris ppp software (SUNWapppr, SUNWapppu and SUNWpppk)
- Several people suggested to avoid that...

PPP on terminal server (configure a port to use ppp as default protocol):

If host is rebooted, connections are not lost; of course while
the reboot is taking place, no new authentications are taking place
