Thanks everyone!
Ju-Lien Lim
>From: Andrew Moffat[]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 1997 3:39 PM
>Subject: Re: How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the server)?
> I'm sure you've gotten responses by now, and I may be simplifying the
> issue somewhat... but you don't have to even be logged into the client
> as root to do this.
> You can just rlogin to the server, su, set the DISPLAY environment
> variable to point back to your client and then run admintool. It should
> work - unless you need to use xhost to open up your display permissions.
>Andrew Moffat.
>From: Rick von Richter[]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 1997 4:33 PM
>Subject: Re: How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the server)?
>on the client , rlogin to the server and 'su' to root. then type;
>server# admintool -display <clientdisplay:0.0>
>example: if your client is named zeus, then you would type;
>server# admintool -display zeus:0.0
> Rick von Richter | Phone: 619-552-6222
> Systems/Network Admin | Fax: 619-552-6221
> Maintenance Warehouse | Email:
>Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 1997 4:56 PM
>Subject: Re: How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the server)?
>Heck what you want is easy. Make a group using a user gid number of 14.
> Then anyone who you assign to group 14 can use admintool, logged in as
>themselves not root.
>From: Tinh Do[]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 1997 5:49 PM
>Subject: Re: How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the server)?
> Hi,
> Yes you can, because admintool resides locally to the host
> system. I guess your question is how to display systemA's
> admintool on systemB's screen. Right ? if yes, then you
> do the following steps:
> * on your system (assumed systemA). type at the prompt:
> systemA:> xhost +
> * Then remote login to systemB
> systemA:> rlogin systemB -l "user id"
> * at systemB prompt ( from your system systemA)
> type in :
> systemB:> export DISPLAY=systemA:0.0 (for ksh)
> or
> systemB:> setenv DISPLAY systemA:0.0 (for csh)
> then just type in :
> systemB:> admintool &
> This will display admintool GUI on your systemA screen.
> Let me know if this is the way you want.
> Tinh.
>From: Charles Gagnon[SMTP:charles@Grafnetix.COM]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 1997 5:51 PM
>To: Ju-Lien Lim
>Subject: Re: Summary - How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the
>> Just wanted to thank everybody for responding and also to post a summary
>> of all the suggestions!
>Looking at your summary, I realize I may have miss-understood your question.
>My answer applies to:
> - Running the admintool on a NIS+ client to manage the NIS+ information
> cloud. By opposition to running the admintool on the rootmaster server.
>The other answers are for:
> - Running the admintool on the rootmaster but setting the display on a
> machine, either PC or Unix.
>Just to make sure you didn't think I was a complete nutcase, way out of
>line... :-)
>Charles Gagnon | Any reproduction, in whole or in part,
>Systems Engineer | of the opinions herein without written
>Charles@Grafnetix.COM | consent of the National Opinion Guild
>http://www.Grafnetix.COM/~charles/ | is strictly forbidden.
>From: White Gary SrA USAFE CSS/SCOE[]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 1997 1:48 AM
>To: 'Ju-Lien Lim'
>Subject: RE: How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the server)?
>Admintool can be and probably is installed on all of your Solaris
>machines. When you say client is this a diskless client to a server?
>If so I'm not sure how it will work but it should.
>Gary White
>Senior Systems Engineer USAF
>Ramstein AB, GE
>From: Ryan Permeh[]
>Sent: Saturday, March 29, 1997 12:26 PM
>To: Ju-Lien Lim
>Subject: Re: How does one run Admintool on a client (and not the server)?
>well, it's not the most secure way to do it but this may work for you <it
>does for me in out networked environment>
>when you are forced to run an X windows client <program> on a remote
>server <display>, type "xhost +" in an xterm of the remote computer.
>Then log into your main server, where the admintool lies, type "man xterm"
>to find out about the "-display" flag, which works with most x programs.
>Then, from your login on the main server, type "admintool
>-display:0:0whatever". WHat ypu put in the display area is very much
>dictated by the configuration of YOUR network. Remeber, if xhost + is
>invoked, it basically allows any outside X program to run on your system,
>so it's a good idea to follow with an "xhost -" when you finish
>i hope this is informitive.
>Ryan Permeh, Millennium Communications
>On Tue, 25 Mar 1997, Ju-Lien Lim wrote:
>> Hi there! I'm very new to Solaris, and I've been wondering is it
>> possible to run the Admintool on a client (logged in as root) instead of
>> the server? If there is a way, I would definitely appreciate your
>> assistance on how to do so.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Ju-Lien Lim Tel #: (203) 459-7691
>> Network System Administrator Fax: (203) 459-7890
>> Oxford Health Plans Pager #: (203) 534-0825
>> E-mail: