> Our network environment consists PCs running NT 4.0 and
> Suns running Solaris 2.5. The PC users mount Sun partitions
> to store common Windows documents. When virus programs
> such as McAfee or Norton Antivirus run against these
> NFS mounted files, the program freezes.
> Is anyone using an NT antivirus utility that will successfully run
> against NFS mounted drives?
It appears that those people using Samba on the Sun rather
than PC-NFS do not encounter any problems with NT virus scanning
software. A number of others suggested trying the Mcafee Antivirus
program for Solaris ( http://www.mcafee.com/ ).
Thanks to:
Troy Wollenslegel <troy@intranet.org>
Richard Butler <richard@biocell.irmkant.rm.cnr.it>
andrea.bellinzaghi@jrc.it (Andrea Bellinzaghi)
David Fetrow <fetrow@biostat.washington.edu>
Stephen Harris <sweh@mpn.com>
jasonn@nabaus.com.au (Jason Noorman)
celeste@celestial.stokely.com (Celeste Stokely)
Noel Fardy
System Administrator
Trout Trading Management Co.