Kandi Kirk (kk@ccrwest.org)
Mattias Zhabinskiy (mattias@txc.com)
Ing._Erick_Cedeņo (erickc@sonitel.com)
Sanjay Srivastava (sanjays@rambus.com)
Matthew Stier" (mstier@hotmail.com)
"Andrew Moffat" (amof@SubaruSparcDev.subaru1.com)
Roger Spaulding (ras@loveland.ramtron.com)
Arolovitch Alan (alan@macs.biu.ac.il)
Paulo F. Sedre (sedrez@tecgraf.puc-rio.br)
Bismark Espinoza (bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov)
Nadya Williams (nadya@bog.ucsd.edu)
Original question:
>Dear sun managers
>I was installing the software Acrobat Reader 3.0 in Sun with
>SUN-OS 4.1.3_U1 and OpenWindows 3.0 when I received that message:
>WARNING: Adobe Acrobat 3.0 running on a X11/News server,
> requires patch T100444-74 (OpenWindows V3.0 Server
> Patch 3000-122). Otherwise the Xserver will hang.
>I'm looking for this patch but I can't find it.
>Someone could help me?
>Thanks in advance.
>Miriam von Zuben
The answer is:
Apply patch 100444-76
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Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 17:25:05 -0300
From: miriam@dsee.fee.unicamp.br (Miriam von Zuben)
Subject: SUMMARY: 100444-74
Sender: sun-managers-relay@ra.mcs.anl.gov
To: sun-managers@eecs.nwu.edu
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Followup-to: miriam@dsee.fee.unicamp.br (Miriam von Zuben)
Many thanks for the replies:
Kandi Kirk (kk@ccrwest.org)
Mattias Zhabinskiy (mattias@txc.com)
Ing._Erick_Cedeņo (erickc@sonitel.com)
Sanjay Srivastava (sanjays@rambus.com)
Matthew Stier" (mstier@hotmail.com)
"Andrew Moffat" (amof@SubaruSparcDev.subaru1.com)
Roger Spaulding (ras@loveland.ramtron.com)
Arolovitch Alan (alan@macs.biu.ac.il)
Paulo F. Sedre (sedrez@tecgraf.puc-rio.br)
Bismark Espinoza (bismark@alta.Jpl.Nasa.Gov)
Nadya Williams (nadya@bog.ucsd.edu)
Original question:
>Dear sun managers
>I was installing the software Acrobat Reader 3.0 in Sun with
>SUN-OS 4.1.3_U1 and OpenWindows 3.0 when I received that message:
>WARNING: Adobe Acrobat 3.0 running on a X11/News server,
> requires patch T100444-74 (OpenWindows V3.0 Server
> Patch 3000-122). Otherwise the Xserver will hang.
>I'm looking for this patch but I can't find it.
>Someone could help me?
>Thanks in advance.
>Miriam von Zuben
The answer is:
Apply patch 100444-76