Summary:More than one lpsched running

Dave Teo (
Tue, 25 Mar 1997 17:53:08 +1200


We have been advised that the fix to this problem is to apply patch
number 101959-10. As it happens we do not have this patch applied but
will do so at the first opportunity.

Grateful thanks to all who responded to this.

ZESPRI International

Original Question ------------------------------------------------

Anyone out there having problem with lpsched process start up on a
sun sparc 1000 running on or sun sparc 20 on solaris 2.4.
There seem to be some lpsched hung up at time but lpstat -r shown that
is still running.

At times, I use to see two lpsched process daemons on the system. I
have to kill one of them and restart it. I have managed to get one
lpsched process running on the sparc 20 but not the sparc 1000 but they
still work fine. (the sparc 1000 currently have two lpsched process

Any ideas is that causing my intermittent lpsched hung problem or fixes
to the problem.

ZESPRI International