SUMMARY: Sun sparc classic.

Tony C. Wu (
Sat, 15 Mar 1997 02:08:18 +0800 (CST)

The answer is yes, you can install solaris 2.x on a sparc classic with
16mb ram but don't expect too much on the performance.
Here is what I am suggested:

16-24MB/32MB swap: for tty only
32-48MB/32MB swap or more: for X, CDE.

Thanks to the following ppl who replied.

From: Fabrice Cuq <fabrice@CS.UCLA.EDU>
From: Benjamin Cline <>
From: Mike Frisch <>
From: Russell A Weeks <>
From: Justin Young <>
From: Ann Rautenbach 3267 Systems_Administrator <>
From: Chad Smith <>
From: "Plesha, Thomas A. (NSLC Pacific)" <>
From: Chris Murphy <>
From: Larry Williamson <>
From: "Bert N. Shure" <>
From: Mr Rene Occelli <>
From: "Edward C. Zimmermann" <>
... and more on the way, I believe. Thank you.

Best regards,
Tony Wu

I don't know if it's what you want, but it's what you get.  :-)
         --Larry Wall in <10502@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>