SUMMARY: Bogus lpstat -t output

D. Ellen March (
Fri, 07 Mar 1997 08:20:41 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for the responses. The general concensus was to
delete /var/spool/lp/requests/printername/* and
and then stop and start lpsched.

Many thanks to:
Rick von Richter
Alan Chan
Mr Rene Occelli
Paolo Pompili
Teresa Johnson
Gregory M Polanski

Original question follows:
>>I have output from lpstat -t on several machines on
>>my network that include the lines:
>>Foo-176 foobar!bar 32 Mar 06 15:23 on Foo
>>Foo-179 foobar!bar 6960 Mar 06 15:23
>>Foo-180 foobar!bar 258 Mar 06 15:23
>>The dates always show the current date/time, not when the
>>jobs were sent to the printer.
>>I cannot cancel the jobs, when as root or the user bar I type
>> cancel Foo-180
>>I get output:
>> request "Foo-180" cancelled
>>but when I run lpstat -t again it is still there.
>>When I go to the printserver of the printer in question,
>>and type lpstat -t, these jobs do not appear. Any typing
>>the cancel command (just to be sure) complains there is no
>>job of that name.
>>Also /etc/init.d/lp stop/start does not help either.
>>How can I get rid of those bogus entries in lpstat -t?
>>Thanks in advance,