Re: Handler Mapped File Extensions Bug

Michal Zalewski (lcamtuf@BOSS.STASZIC.WAW.PL)
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 11:52:30 +0100

>I could not reproduce the ability to read raw source. Perhaps the
>system that it was possible to read the source from did not have the .
>bug fix applied.

Use HotBot search engine to locate vunerable machines:

I tried this:

It works.

Micha³ Zalewski [tel 9690] | finger 4 PGP []
Iterowaæ jest rzecz± ludzk±, wykonywaæ rekursywnie - bosk± [P. Deustch]
=--------------- [ echo "\$0&\$0">_;chmod +x _;./_ ] -----------------=