Vladislav S. Davidzon (davidzon@METRONET.LIB.MI.US)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 21:06:26 -0500

I have more of a question rather than a bug report, but I believe its
quite important to this mailing list as I believe I have discovered a very
severe flaw in the BSDI 2.1 kernel system.

Today I replaced the ISA ethernet card in one of our servers running BSDI
2.1 (Pentium 133) with a PCI card. After making minor changes to the
configuration of the system (specifically /etc/netstart script, editing
the tn0 to say ef0) everything seemed to be working fine.

Now the problem seems to be that whenever someone tries to run a cgi-bin
script from a certain directory on the server, specifically something
under /var/www/docs/directory/cgi-bin all networking features on
the server crash. In order for this to happen the one viewing the pages
must be located within our IP block ( and not have a
reverse DNS on the machine they're accessing this from. Note that we have
a separate cgi-bin directory located under /var/www/cgi-bin which is the
standard cgi-bin directory, and all scripts run fine from that.

The server is a P133 HP Netserver LC 5/133, running BSDI 2.1, and apache.
I tried two different versions of apache, including 1.2.4, same problem

Any ideas?


Vladislav S. Davidzon

Vladislav S. Davidzon
Technology Assistant Farmington Community Library
Phone: (248) 553-0300 Fax: (248) 553-3228
32737 W. 12 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

All opinions are my opinions only, and not those of any organizations I
am associated with, unless otherwise specified.