What were the opcodes to hang a Pentium again? (fwd)

Darren Reed (darrenr@CYBER.COM.AU)
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 10:20:30 +1100

> From: Lloyd Wood <L.Wood@surrey.ac.uk>
> You can now test if you're vulnerable to the more recently discovered
> Microsoft and Intel problems.
> http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/IE4res/
> If you're running Internet Explorer 4 on a Pentium, you can easily verify
> for yourself that these problems exist by attempting to load this page --
> but do save your work first. (Internet Explorer 3 is immune.)
> This page automatically exploits both the recently-discovered Pentium bug,
> and the recently discovered Explorer 4 res:// buffer overflow bug, via a
> trivial piece of autoexecuting HTML -- which could easily be emailed.
> Two orthogonal separate bugs combine to more than the sum of their parts;
> emergent behaviour due to complexity in computer systems.
> L.